
Mindfulness is a great practice for supporting psychological wellbeing. Mindfulness doesn't mean you have to empty your mind or feel totally relaxed. It's about noticing what is happening around you, in your body and in your mind, in this moment- as it is, not as your mental chatter tries to tell you it is. It means allowing and making room for sensations, thoughts and feelings and holding them lightly, so that with practice, in everyday life, they don't get in the way of your valued actions.

Mindfulness should ideally be practiced every day, so that it comes naturally even in difficult situations (your habitual triggers for inappropriate anger, panic attacks, or binge eating for example). The website of the ACBS, the professional body for ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy), has a number of excellent mindfulness exercises that are free to download - see http://contextualpsychology.org/free_audio and then look under the heading "Mindfulness Practice Exercises".

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