Here at the White Hart Clinic, we have seen an increasing number of patients presenting with neck pain. The neck is the bridge between our head and our body, connecting the head directly with the torso. It is made up of seven cervical vertebrae (C1-C7) and multiple soft tissue structures that are responsible for movement, breathing, speaking, swallowing, protecting the spinal cord and transmits nervous signals from the brain to the rest of our body.

Neck pain is a common complaint and can often be accompanied with pain radiating down the back, into the shoulder or skull, headaches and sometimes even neurological referral to the extremities (for example, pins and needles). Movement of the head can also become painful and restricted.

We offer a range of different treatment approaches to treat neck pain including our expert osteopaths.

Our osteopaths use a wide variety of treatment techniques, which could include manipulation and mobilisation to joints, muscles, nerves and soft tissues. After fully assessing you, your osteopath will explain what is causing the problem and how best to treat. You will also be given advice and exercises.

5 factors that can contribute to neck pain:

  1. Trauma such as a whiplash injury
  2. A poor desk set up
  3. Poor sleep hygiene
  4. Stress
  5. Carrying heavy bags
  6. Periods of sedentary behaviours, don’t forget your best posture is your next posture, move regularly

Top 5 tips to help yourself

  1. Initially gently move you neck and find the most comfortable position. It can feel frightening to move. Pain science shows that it is helpful to continue to move gently.
  2. Regular neck mobility and strengthening movements once the acute pain settles
  3. Adjusting desk space set up
  4. Reducing stress levels with modalities such as yoga, meditation and planning
  5. Regular exercise
  6. Contrast therapy (swapping between hot and cold to encourage blood flow to the area)

Most neck pain will hopefully go away by itself with some gentle stretching and movement; painkillers may also be helpful depending on your own personal pain tolerance levels. If the problem does not resolve by itself or is extremely painful, it might be helpful to see an Osteopath. An Osteopath will assess, diagnose and give a personalised treatment and rehab programme to help best manage your symptoms.

To book an appointment or if you have any questions please email or call us. For further information visit our Osteopathy page

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  • 'The White Hart clinic is a haven of peace, support, kindness and cheerfulness'
  • 'It's calm and friendly yet really professional. I feel absolutely confident that I'm in expert hands'
  • 'I most like the range of people working there so you can have alternative ways of combating a problem. Secondly, the friendly and supportive approach'
  • 'If in pain you are fitted in as soon as possible, never too much waiting time.'
  • 'Reception staff are friendly and welcoming.'
  • 'The treatment is effective-you do not feel as if the treatment is prolonged unnecessarily.'
  • 'The staff are friendly and professional'
  • 'Very welcoming, cosy & small, relaxing atmosphere - of course most of all my therapist who has given me life changing results'
  • 'I feel the recommendations for the course of treatments and return visits are always very honest. They never take advantage'
  • 'It's like having the best clinic in Harley Street around the corner - when you're in pain that's exactly what you want. What a relief! What a comfort!'
  • 'High quality treatment, delivered in a personal way, but with great efficiency and all in a very convenient location!'
  • 'Packed full of friendliness and expertise'
  • 'Friendly and efficient place that helps repair me when things are not working properly!'
  • 'Friendly, professional and broad ranging'

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Richmond, Mortlake, Barnes, Putney.