Women's health physiotherapists, often work with women during pregnancy to help them prepare for childbirth. One of the ways they can help is by discussing birth choices with them. Many women are not aware of the different options available to them when it comes to childbirth, and it can be overwhelming to navigate all the information out there.

During a consultation, we can provide information on the different types of childbirth, such as natural birth, water birth, and cesarean section. As physiotherapist we do not prescribe medication but we can briefly discuss pain relief options that may be offered however, this does tend to change depending on individual hospitals; as well as non-pharmacological methods like breathing techniques and relaxation exercises. We can also provide guidance on how to prepare for childbirth, such as pelvic floor exercises, exercises to help create room within the pelvis and developing a functional pelvic floor. It is not only strengthening that is important but, by teaching individuals how to relax their pelvic floor muscles, it can significantly help reduce the length of 2nd stage labour as well as reducing the risk of 3rd and 4th degree tearing.

By discussing birth choices with women, we can help guide them to discuss with their medical team informed decisions about their childbirth experience.

Our women’s health team are committed to helping women have a positive childbirth experience. By discussing birth choices and providing support during pregnancy, we can help women feel empowered and confident as they prepare for one of the most important moments in their lives.

Our Pregnancy Physiotherapy MOT is designed to help women stay healthy and comfortable throughout their pregnancy. 

Recent research says that:

During second stage labour women aren’t just passively lying down they are bearing down and we can help teach and evaluate how well individuals can relax their pelvic floor. So that they do not co- contract their pelvic floor. Pelvic Floor muscle training can lead to better co-ordination including relaxation of pelvic floor. It can aid better labour with reduced second stage duration and reduce perineal tearing. We have significant evidence that PFMT in pregnancy reduces urinary incontinence in pregnancy and early post-partum as well as reduce the chance of obstructed labour and reduce the chance and reduce the chance of severe perineal lacerations.

Dieb et al 2020

Research showed that combining effective PFMT especially learning how to relax your pelvic floor as well as combining with perineal massage reduces the rates of episiotomy, perineal tearing, and postnatal perineal pain.

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  • 'The White Hart clinic is a haven of peace, support, kindness and cheerfulness'
  • 'It's calm and friendly yet really professional. I feel absolutely confident that I'm in expert hands'
  • 'I most like the range of people working there so you can have alternative ways of combating a problem. Secondly, the friendly and supportive approach'
  • 'If in pain you are fitted in as soon as possible, never too much waiting time.'
  • 'Reception staff are friendly and welcoming.'
  • 'The treatment is effective-you do not feel as if the treatment is prolonged unnecessarily.'
  • 'The staff are friendly and professional'
  • 'Very welcoming, cosy & small, relaxing atmosphere - of course most of all my therapist who has given me life changing results'
  • 'I feel the recommendations for the course of treatments and return visits are always very honest. They never take advantage'
  • 'It's like having the best clinic in Harley Street around the corner - when you're in pain that's exactly what you want. What a relief! What a comfort!'
  • 'High quality treatment, delivered in a personal way, but with great efficiency and all in a very convenient location!'
  • 'Packed full of friendliness and expertise'
  • 'Friendly and efficient place that helps repair me when things are not working properly!'
  • 'Friendly, professional and broad ranging'

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Richmond, Mortlake, Barnes, Putney.