Skiing is one of the saving graces of winter, here’s a quick guide to make sure you get the best from your holiday activity and return feeling invigorated and injury free (and with just a hangover at most).

  • Sport Specific Training

This is fitness and strength training designed to prepare your body for the demands of skiing, thereby improving performance and reducing the risk of injury.

You can downaload apps like SkiFit or alternatively, you can book in to see one of our physiotherapists or osteopaths for an assessment and to discuss a personalised exercise plan.

  • Treat it like the sport that it is

For the same reasons listed above, it is worth taking some time to warm up before starting your ski session. You can find an easy routine here. This will help switch on the major muscle groups that get used on the slopes. Once you come down, it as just as important to cool down after your session so take the time to stretch your muscles. Try this deep yoga flow video to keep you going! It’s also important to keep hydrated, especially if the après-ski proves tempting!

  • Pace Yourself

Injuries are common in the early stages of ski trips as your body awareness is still developing. Neurological messages are constantly being sent from the muscles, joints and ligaments to the brain with information about their positioning and effort and if they are in any danger of being overstretched; these ‘feedback loops’ become more efficient with more practice and with this the safety of the activity improves. So take it easy on that first day, recognise when you are getting tired and don't try to ask too much of yourself. It's safer to have had a good day on the slopes and come down early, than do that last ski run when you're tired and end up injuring yourself.

  • Take Care

Falls are commonplace on the slopes, some can be worse than others. If you do fall, take some time to check how you are. There is often a surge of adrenalin during a fall which can mask pain so be careful not to rush off again. Take a few minutes to check your range of movement and if you can weight bear comfortably; if not, it may be time to come down, rest and try to seek some local medical advice.

The impact of a fall will be absorbed by certain areas of the body more than others, especially with regards to the spine, so stiffness and niggles can develop much later. If you’re feeling a bit out of sorts when you get back, book in with one of our team here to get everything moving harmoniously again.

Have fun and take care out there!

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